Dandelion is a perennial plant, very abundant on paths and meadows, with yellow flowers that open during the day and close at night. It has numerous medicinal and culinary properties. Popular belief gives this plant the power to grant the wish of those who blow with all their strength the ripe flowers.
Each kit contains everything you need to grow dandelion: 1 100% biodegradable germination pot, 1 peat tablet, 1 dandelion seed bomb and 1 care sheet.
The kit is very simple to use.
1. First we must place the peat pellet in a tray with the base covered with water for a few hours, its size will increase 4 or 5 times.
2. Then we must drain and introduce the pellets in the pots.
3. We open the fabric that surrounds the peat and we semi-bury the bombs.
4. It is important to maintain the bombs humid without drowning them, to spray water not to flood them.
5. The first days should not give him the direct sun, they need clarity and indirect light.
6. Around the tenth day of having sprouted it is the moment to place them in the definitive place.
7. We introduce each biodegradable flowerpot in the ground of the final flowerpot. Once in the soil it will degrade very quickly, leaving room for the roots.