Exchanges and Returns

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

The FAQs section on Exchanges and Returns on the LA CASA DE LAS SETAS website provides detailed information on how to proceed to make an exchange or return of a product already delivered.

If you wish to return a product you have a period of 14 calendar days without the need for justification. The withdrawal period will expire 14 calendar days from the day you or a third party has acquired possession of the order.

The return delivery address is:


C/ San Roque 3, lower left

12004 Castellón.

Tel: 640267118

We will not accept shipments of products that are not delivered to this address, nor those that have to be collected at other addresses (at a Post Office for example)

If your return is not delivered to our facilities or the package arrives damaged, La Casa de las Setas is not responsible for refunding the product(s) inside.

The customer agrees to return the order in perfect condition and with the original packaging.

La Casa de las Setas is not responsible for the status of the product/order if it does not travel in optimal packaging conditions.

In the case of receiving the order in poor condition, the customer is responsible for the depreciation.

In case of return, only the value of the item will be paid, shipping will be the responsibility of the buyer.

LA CASA DE LAS SETAS will refund the amount of the product/s within a period of 5-7 days, once the condition of the returned product has been verified.

The refund of the amount will be made by the same means used in the purchase.

If your order was paid by bank transfer, you must provide us with an account number in order to proceed with the refund.

Broken/opened or tampered products will not be refunded.

Fresh products will not be refunded.

Cultivation products will not be refunded: kits, alpacas, logs, mycelia, mycorrhizal plants and seeds.

Personalized products or out-of-catalog products that have been ordered on demand will not be refunded.

If you no longer wish to receive your order and it has already been sent, you should only refuse delivery when the transport agency tries to deliver the package.

Your rejection will be notified to us by the transport agency, proceeding to return the shipment.

Orders containing fresh product cannot be rejected. If you reject the delivery of this type of product, La Casa de las Setas will not refund its contents.

Have you not found the answer to your query?

Contact us

Telephone and WhatsApp Customer Service hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on non-holiday days, Monday to Friday.




Customer Service

964096680 / 640267118