Noodles of trumpet of the dead
Noodles of trumpet of the dead
Noodles of trumpet of the dead
Noodles of trumpet of the dead

Noodles of trumpet of the dead

<p>Delicious noodles with black trumpets . Handmade and very easy to prepare, they are ready in 6-7 minutes!

250 gr package and special 3000 gr


In stock - Delivery 24/48 h

The noodles of trumpets of the dead, Cratherellus cornucopioides, are 100% natural and handmade, with no additives, colorings or preservatives. As they have been made all their lives!

The ingredients used are selected to guarantee the highest quality.

Characteristics Black trumpet noodles

  • Ingredients: Durum wheat semolina, dehydrated black trumpet (C. cornucopioides), water, salt and mushroom powder
  • Packaging: 250 gr and 3000 gr
  • Cooking time: 5-7 minutes
  • 2 / 3 servings
  • Does not need cold
  • Store in a cool, dry place
Tipo de seta comestible
Trompeta negra (C. cornucopioides)