Trees in Spain. Identification manual
Trees in Spain. Identification manual
Trees in Spain. Identification manual
Trees in Spain. Identification manual

Trees in Spain. Identification manual

<p> Discover and identify all the trees that you can find in your outings to the mountain


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Trees in Spain has marked a milestone in the knowledge of the tree species present in our country, both in the Peninsula and in the island territories. Until the date of its publication, there was no book in the Spanish language that provided information on the great majority of the trees that can be found, both cultivated and spontaneous, and sufficient information to identify them. It came to satisfy, therefore, a demand felt for many years by tree lovers, who fortunately are legion in our country. Proof of this has been the good reception of the first edition, being as it is a scientific-technical book, since it appeared in 1999, in just over a year a second edition has been prepared, which is a great success for books of this type.

The first edition included a compilation of the trees present in Spain up to 1998, of which the authors were aware, either by direct observation (the vast majority) or by reliable information, including some 1,650 arboreal and arborescent species. It was already indicated that it was very difficult to ensure that all the trees existing in such an extensive and varied territory as the Spanish one were included, and since the publication of the first edition, work has continued on the subject, gathering new information and some contributions from kind readers. The present moment is very important for Spanish dendrology with the constant introduction of new species in ornamental gardening, favored by a world market of nurseries and, more importantly, with the creation of a series of specialized arboretums and the increase in the plant wealth of some botanical gardens and collections.

In this edition an addendum has been added that includes more than 300 new arboreal or arborescent species, indicating the family to which they belong, their origin and the place where they are located. The present edition has also been revised and improved with the modification and correction of some information, which has considerably enriched the previous publication. We trust that this new edition will be as well accepted as the previous one, and that it will allow us to advance in the knowledge of our arboreal heritage, opening the way for new editions containing the new introductions of trees in Spain.


Foreword. Introduction. Botanical collections. How to use this guide. Acknowledgments. Classification of the taxa included in the book. General key to families. Catalog of species. Glossary of terms. Varieties, forms and cultivars. Abbreviations of the cited authors. Bibliographical references consulted. Addenda. Index of photographs and illustrations. Index of common names and derived products. Index of scientific names.


  • 652 pages
  • Format 16,5 x 23,5
  • Edition 2001
  • ISBN: 8471149575