Inoculum for mycorrhizal...
Inoculum for mycorrhizal...

Inoculum for mycorrhizal mycorrhization with chanterelles

<p>Inoculum for mycorrhizal mycorrhization with chanterelles

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Mycorrhizal inoculum of chanterelles

The mycorrhizal inoculum of chanterelles is a natural gel composed of spores, mycelium and mycelial propagules that is applied directly on the superficial roots of trees more than two years old for the cultivation of mycorrhizal fungi such as chanterelles (rovellons), Lactarius deliciosus.

Format: 0.5 and 1 liter

Suitable timing for mycorrhization: autumn and spring. Choose humid days, after a week of rain. Outside these periods we cannot guarantee the effectiveness of mycorrhization.

Storage: store in refrigerator (4 °C) for up to four weeks from receipt.

Apply to roots of: conifers.

Requirements for mycorrhization of pre-existing trees: plants from 2 to 25 years of age.

Application of mycorrhizal inoculum: mycorrhization is a one-time procedure and should be carried out carefully and manually using latex gloves. In the projection of the canopy on the ground, lift the surface humus in four points (north, south, east and west) 2-3 cm deep and about 20 cm 2 .


Boletus inoculum can be applied on pine species, since this fungus is specific to these trees. The ideal time for inoculation is from the end of April to mid-June (spring) or from the end of August to the end of October (autumn). It is recommended to carry out this task in periods of moderate rainfall and mild temperatures.

Rake the topsoil in the area of crown projection, going 3 to 10 cm deep until the absorbing roots are found, which are the mycorrhizae-forming roots (they are recognized by being thinner). If we are going to make several inoculations, we can use a power tiller, which by shallow milling will facilitate this work.

Once we find a good tangle of these absorbing roots, we will place them on a bed of mycorrhizal substrate and apply approximately 25 ml of the fungal inoculum, impregnating all the rootlets well with the mycorrhizal gel. Once inoculated, cover them with a little mycorrhizal substrate and finally cover the area with the soil and leaf litter previously removed.

We will make 4 inoculation points (about 125 ml per tree) and water them a little in the absence of rain. It is not necessary to do deep work such as tilling, but it is advisable to keep this mycotrop well cared for, as this will increase the production of mushrooms: weeding, pruning and thinning appropriate to each plantation. Water the trees once a week in summer or if there are prolonged droughts (10 days without rain).

The first mushrooms will appear between 18-24 months after mycorrhization.

You can see how to apply the inoculum in this video: v=A51EvqfYxzc

Mycorrhizal inoculum to mycorrhizalize trees with chanterelles

Mycorrhizal inoculum of chanterelles is a natural gel composed of spores, mycelium and mycelial propagules that is applied directly to the surface roots of trees more than two years old for the cultivation of mycorrhizal fungi such as chanterelles, Lactarius deliciosus, Lactarius deliciosus, Lactarius deliciosus.

Inoculum is shipped from Monday to Wednesday to ensure controlled transport conditions at all times . If you need to receive your order by a certain date, please contact us

