buscar setas

When we go to look for edible mushrooms , all good mushroom hunters like to get to the mountain and find it clean and spotless, but we all know that in most cases this is not the case. Cans, plastic bags and other garbage, uncivic attitudes, extinguished bonfires, mushrooms turned and broken for the mere pleasure of breaking them, ... Then from the Casa de las Setas we wanted to expose a series of recommendations to take into account in our trips to the mountain to look for mushrooms .

Although many of the following recommendations are very obvious, from the point of view of common sense, it never hurts to expose them so that we all become aware that in an outing to the mountain to look for mushrooms and edible fungi we must respect nature and the environment in which we find ourselves, being obliged to leave it even better when we arrive.


  • To look for mushrooms we must not remove the soil in a way that disturbs the superficial layer of soil and its cover.   
  • Never use any type of tool or rake that allows indiscriminate lifting of leaf litter, pine needles or any cover of existing plant matter. This practice, unfortunately quite common, destroys the mycelium of the different species that live there, making it impossible for them to reproduce.
  • To transport and store the mushrooms that you have found in the forest you should use mushroom baskets or containers that allow their aeration and the dissemination of their spores. Of course, plastic bags should never be used.

equipacion setera

  • Do not collect those mushrooms and fungi that are not going to be used for cooking or study.
  • When you find a mushroom you must collect it carefully so as not to damage the mycelium. The bases will be cut with a mushroom knife and buried between leaves in order to favor mushroom expansion.
  • Most of the forests are privately owned. Respect the gates , fences or stone walls that delimit private or public properties as well as other rural uses and exploitations.
  • Picking mushrooms and fungi in areas close to roads and access routes is safer. No matter how well you orient yourself, problems can arise.  A outdoor GPS will help you avoid getting lost in the bush.
  • Always carry some food and drink
  • . It will help you replenish your energy.
  • Avoid going mushroom hunting alone
  • , but if you do, inform someone of the area you are going to. Of course carry a cell phone in case of an emergency (
  • emergency phone 112 ). Beware of hunting.   
  • They must be properly signposted, but it is not superfluous to inform yourself by calling the corresponding Town Hall.
  • The forest only needs respect, do not leave garbage in the forest
  • and do not light fires in unauthorized areas.

respeta el monte Take a look at our online store,


and find all the mushroom equipment you need. If you are thinking about buying a mushroom basket , mushroom knives , walking sticks, outdoor GPS, ...     you are sure to find your model!