Mushrooms and Men, S. Ventura Pedret

Mushrooms and Men, S. Ventura Pedret

<p>yasser Arafat was poisoned by a mushroom? do mushrooms have a language depending on the species? can you build chips with mycelia? can you build a house on Mars with oyster mushrooms? what were the consequences of a poisoning by Amanita phaloides in the 18th century? All these questions and many more will be answered in this book.


yasser Arafat was poisoned by a mushroom? do mushrooms have a language depending on the species? can you build chips with mycelia? can you build a house on Mars with oyster mushrooms? what were the consequences of a poisoning by Amanita phaloides in the 18th century? All these questions and many more will be answered in this book.

Fungi have been present in our planet since time immemorial, however, they have not been given the importance they deserve. They have been protagonists in many civilizations, Greece, Egypt, the Middle Ages, do not escape the influence of these silent beings of which we only remember when in autumn we go to the countryside in search of delicious mushrooms.

The aim of this book is to raise awareness through brief and entertaining stories, the importance of mushrooms for all mankind.


Language: Spanish

Author: Salvador Ventura Pedret

Length of printing: 120 pages