GUÍA DE ORQUÍDEAS DE EUROPA Groenlandia, Azores, Norte de África y Oriente Medio H. Baumann/ S. Künkele/ R. Loren

Ediciones OMEGA
<p>This comprehensive guide presents with text and images 454 species and subspecies of orchids from Europe and neighboring areas, from the Azores to Iran and from North Africa to Greenland. The book contains accurate species descriptions and information on synonyms, flowering, variability, possibility of confusion, occurrence, range and danger of extinction.

Exceptional color photographs show the species in their natural habitat. An essential work for all professional or amateur botanists and for orchid and plant lovers.

Entrega 3-5 días


The fascination of orchids.

Key to the genera.

Orchids from A to Z with the most important genera. Cephalanthera. Dactylorhiza. Epipactis. Himantoglossum. Nigritella. Ophrys. Orchis. Plananthera. Serapias.



Working groups on native orchids.

Index of scientific names.

Index of vulgar names.

With 639 color photographs

Author(s): H. Baumann/ S. Künkele/ R. Loren

Binding: Paperback

Printing: Color

Year of publication: 2007

Number of pages: 336

Translator/s: Vázquez, M.J.

ISBN: 978-84-282-1440-7

Size: 13 (width) x 19 (height)