Hebeloma - Serie FUNGI EUROPAEI

Hebeloma - Serie FUNGI EUROPAEI

Hebeloma autor Henry J. Beker; Ursula Eberhardt; Jan VesterholtCategoría Micologíaeditorial Candussoaño 2016 (1 edición)idiomas Inglesdimensiones ancho 18.0 cms., alto 25.0 cms.peso 3100 grsISBN 88-96059-42-9ISBN 13 9788896059425páginas 1232encuadernación cartonécolor color

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New Taxa, Combinations and Typifications, Foreword, Acknowledgements, Introduction, Background, Hebeloma Ontogeny and Morphology, Ontogeny ( Macroscopic characters-Microscopic characters), Infrageneric classification and molecular results, The General Key (Key to Sections and Keys for Sections), Allgemeiner Schlüssel (Hauptschlüssel und Sektionsschlüssel), Clé générale (clé des sections et clé des espèces), Chiave generale (chiave delle sezione e chiavi delle specie). Hebeloma section Hebeloma, Hebeloma section Denudata, Hebeloma sections Sinapizantia and Velutipes, Hebeloma sections Duracinus, Myxocybe, Naviculospora, Scabrispora and Syrjense, Hebeloma section Theobromina, Hebeloma section Sacchariolentia, Hebeloma sections Porphyrospora and Pseudoamarescens.

Ecology and Habitat Keys, Annotated list of published names from Europe and Africa, Bibliography,Taxonomic Index.

autor: Henry J. Beker; Ursula Eberhardt; Jan Vesterholt

editorial: Candusso

año: 2016 (1 edición)

idiomas: Ingles

dimensiones: ancho 18.0 cms., alto 25.0 cms.

peso: 3100 grs

ISBN: 88-96059-42-9

ISBN 13: 9788896059425

páginas: 1232

encuadernación: cartoné

color: color

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