L he gathering of edible mushrooms is a hobby closely related to the climatic conditions that occur. Firstly, because mycelia fructification depends on rainfall, and secondly, because the environment where it develops is outdoors, exposed to inclement weather.

Mushroom and edible mushroom hunters do not miss any detail of all weather forecasts that may pass through their hands and before their eyes. When faced with black, cold and wet rainy days, people tend to feel a certain depression because of the "bad weather", but on the other hand, on those stormy days, the smile betrays the happiness felt by the mushroom growers: what good weather we are having!   

tormenta en la montaña

The word " Meteorology " is generally associated with weather forecasts given in the various media. Much more complex than that, meteorology is about studying all the phenomena that occur in our atmosphere, and as a result of this thorough and rigorous study, conclusions are drawn that facilitate the preparation of weather forecasts.   

Protect yourself in the mountains with these waterproof garments


The term "meteorology" , comes from the Greek " meteoro " meaning that which is in the atmosphere, in the air, in the sky", and " logos " meaning "reason, knowledge, thought or treatise.   

Between weather and mushrooms there is a close relationship that, when the collector begins to perceive, the successes in his collecting outings are increasing. As we get to know in depth each species of edible mushroom in its wild state, we perceive that if we know how, when, how much and where certain conditions have occurred, we can predict in advance in which places the mycelia will begin to produce their fruiting, and the great " boletaires " can know exactly the order in which the various mushrooms they know will produce the big bloom.

The expertise in drawing the right conclusions that will lead us to success in our mushroom picking is crucial to avoid wasting fuel, especially in the current times of crisis.

radar de lluvias

Before the Internet era and the exchange and cross-referencing of knowledge and data that this has entailed, to know the conditions that had arisen there was no choice but to visit "in situ" the setals . Nowadays, we can create our own database of weather stations and rain gauges for the places we like to frequent on our outings in the mountains. Knowing in advance the conditions in the areas where the hedgerows we know are located is a tool that allows us to calculate the probability of mycelia fructification. Therefore, knowing how to interpret the data we collect from weather stations and rain gauges is advantageous, especially if we know the cycles of each edible mushroom we are looking for.

Keep an eye on the weather forecasts , and try to create your own database, especially temperatures, wind, rain and atmospheric humidity .

But it is not only necessary to check the weather, before going out to collect and to go into the mountain we must follow the weather forecasts through the network, or those made by the various television or radio channels. We know that precise and accurate forecasts do not exist, but the science of 24 and 48 hour forecasting is almost accurate, even so we should not rely on the mountain that can always surprise us with an unexpected storm.   

In La Casa de las Setas we have selected different measuring devices so that you can create your own data. Visit our section and you will find thermometers, humidity and PH meters, rain gauges , ...   


In the blog of La Casa de las Setas you can find a complete section of mycological links. In it there is an exclusive section of meteorological links, from real time rainfall information and rainfall gauges, to rain radar images or prediction pages. You will surely find the link that will provide you with the information for your area.

And don't forget to let us know about those that are not on the list! we will update it with new links
